Friday, April 25, 2008


To answer "Oldwolfs" question~ Camden did finally command his poop out but looks like we are going down that path again starting this afternoon, I guess we will see what the weekend brings.. My mother-in-law will be here from South Carolina on Monday. We are excited to see her and this will be her first time meeting her Third grandson.
Im wondering where the week went eventhough Camden was fussy and he didn't nap like he should of things still went pretty well this week. I know his tummy has to hurt him when he doesn't "go" so we just do everything to try and make him more comfortable. I hope this gets better with him. I hate to see him not smiling. Yes he does smile and I'm convinced it's not gas all the time.

We had someone come and look at the house tonight. They seemed very interested but you never know. I guess we will see what happens. I can't say I want to spend my Maternity leave packing up and moving, but what do you do? On that note, my leave needs to slow down a little, I don't look forward to getting on a plane and leaving my son....

I honestly dont know what I would do without the friends and family that I have. It seems like I have depended on them alot in the last month more than ever, Steve and I both have. Their advice is priceless and you know who you are, Thank you for everything! I hope I haven't bugged some of you too much with all the calls and questions. I feel very thankful to be blessed with the closeness to family we have and the friendships we have built.

Good night!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Camden at the Park, BPA Bottles and the worries of a New Mom!

We went to the park on Sunday, our first trip there since Camden arrived. He slept the whole time which I dont know what we expected him to do ( Get on the swings and start swinging) all he does for most of the time is sleep! But we got to people watch or should I say children watch~ we sat there and would guess how old this kid was and just watch the different ages of kids and what they were doing so it was education to say the least. It was just good to get out of the house and get some air.
Then Monday came and we heard all the stuff about the BPA free bottles and I think every news channel had some report about them and then my friend Holly mentioned to us that the Avent bottles were on the list of not being BPA free so being the worrisome first time mom that I am, we stopped using them and Steve made a trip to Babies R Us which I am glad he did because to my surprise there are other first time worrisome moms out there and they were sold out of alot of the bottles that are BPA free but we did get some and started Camden on them Tuesday night. My question is how do you know what is going to harm your child in the future, look at all these parents that have been giving the BPA bottles for years and years...
So we hae decided to start weaning Camden off breastfeeding since I will have to anyways when I go back to work June 16th, Yuck, the days are going by tooooo fast. So we have time to wean him slowly which is what I want to do. Steve found an organic formula and we started Camden on that Sunday, replacing one feeding a day with formula. Without going into so many details, little Camden has went from about a billion bowel movements a day to none since Tuesday morning. I know, I know this can be totally normal but you forget first time moms worry about EVERYTHING! so we are just hoping he makes a little surprise soon for us.
That's enough ramble for one day...

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Very first Post! We are still learning the ropes! =)

So we finally decided to join the blog epidemic and be hip in some kind of fashion with everyone and anyone that has had one for quite some time. It's actually a really great way we can have everyone meet Camden somewhat and let everyone see how he grows, our family grows and everything in between. So unlike the babysite we started I have decided I (We) will commit to this since it is a way to share our lives with friends and family that we don't get to see that often. We will post pictures in the "Photos" tab and you can see how we are adjusting to "Little Mac". Needless to say our lives have changed forever!! The picture above was just one we took yesterday ( we sneaked and took) while the photographer was here with Camden. We will post them soon. It's not all professional like hers will be but you get the picture! I still have some work to do with the page but we are getting there. We are so excited about sharing our little adventures with everyone, hopefully everyone will get a great read from it! Feel free to leave us comments every now and then. We miss all of you that we cannot see everyday and cannot wait for you to all meet out beautiful handsome little boy! More to come.. Love you all!

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