Monday, September 22, 2008

Discovering toys, Babbling like his Mommy and turning 6 months this week!

Hi Everyone! I hope you all are having a great week and your having some beautiful weather like we are! It has been really nice for the last couple of days..

Camden turns 6 months this week, We took him to Dr. White's for his check up and he weighed a wopping 17.5 lbs. and he is 26 5/8 inches long. He is growing into this sweet little boy who smiles at everyone especially all the ladies.. When he laughs it's the best stress medicine available.. He laughs alot, chats alot and gives our life joy alot!!!

Camden loves all of his toys~ each day I think he discovers a new way to play with them. He is starting to sit up on his own and loves those feet.

Starting him on baby food was no issue at all, the boy will eay every veggie and fruit that is put on a spoon in front of him. He just loves food, what do we expect he is a McMichael boy.

I got to see his little cousins last week in Columbia while I was working down there. I met Sarah, Becky, Eli, Andrew and Lauren for dinner on Tuesday night and then the boys went with me Wednesday night to meet Sarah, Joe, Derrell and Lauren. I had a great time seeing everyone and stocked up on some Gamecock apparel for Camden.

I have loaded some fun pictures of Camden under our photos if you want to check them out.

I cannot wait for each of you to meet our little "bug"

Talk soon,

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